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Academic Charter
The purpose of this academic charter is to define
a process to collect, organize, catalog and publish legal information.
This charter is required to meet Trustees of Blackstone School
of Law (Founded 1890) desire to provide an Ameican Law
Review publication service so as to deliver professional access
to court cases and materials relied upon by the appellate bar
and professional researchers for decisional and case research
materials, briefs, study guides and an exemplary forum for publication
of law restatement and opinion.
Charter Objectives
The objective of the Charter is to support the protection of
intellectual property rights of writers of legal education publications
and research. This Charter will show that the Blackstone
School of Law Trustees is abiding by the conditions of the
license agreements that accompany its commercial legal educational
program. This Charter will also define a publication & copyright
process/approach to be used on an annual basis to establish
U.S. Copyrignt & Trademark compliance.
Charter Specifics
Specifically the Charter will:
- Authorize the Trustees to establish forthwith a separate
and independent, to be known as: The American Law Review
(ALR) whose function and purpose is to establish itself
as a center forthe promotion of professional legal research
training, and leadership.
- Provide all appropriate means for the ALR to locate
and acquire legal briefs, documernts, pleading, texts, manuscripts,
and all sorts of information from the public domain and other
sourches as may exist from time to time, for the purpose of
providing a comprehensive Law Library to preserve & support
the historical body of the law.
- Direct the ALR Trustees to appoint an official to
manage and make decisions about ALR legal research,
journal content & publication, and related business or
professional practices in the day-today operation of the Journal.
Charter Deliverables
Major deliverables are:
- A list of all equipment anf information data surveyed.
- Number of data files and research papers located.
- Number of law library books found (listed by bibliographic
title and authror).
- How many copies of each law book will be maintained, or
how many new texts must be purchased (listed by each title,
author, publisher).
- Define a process to keep the purchase order information
current and up-to-date.
Schedule This Charter is to be completed and transferred to the ALR
administration as soon as possible. A target date of mid April
1970 has been established at this point. However upon refinement
of this Charter a new target date may need to be negotiated
depending upon staff selection and budgeting matters.
Charter Costs
Resources dedicated to this Charter are:
Selection of Dean of the Law Review
0.25 for one month
Infrastructure Support
40 hours
Clerical Support
10 hours
Each Individual Staff Member
5 min. each
Executive Sponsor
John E. Hobbes, Esq., 8th Judicial District,
Cimarron, NM, Executive Director
Steering Committee
Director of Legal Research, Howard E. Hobbs,
Director of Law Library Services, Wayne
Phelps Esq.
Director of Procurement, John
Charter Team
Project Manager:
Manager, Larrry Parrot
Project Team:
Technical Expert,
Reasearch Support
Office Support Specialist
- An approach can be developed that will allow each individual
staff member to audit their own departemtn and turn that information
in to a central place.
- We will use the ALR Standards & Practices Manual
to gather and inventory information.
- The means in which the staff member gathers the information
is secure and cannot be manually altered by the individual
staff member.
- Detailed instructions can be developed for each staff member
to use to gather the information needed to meet the deliverables.
We do not expect any individual staff member to take more
than ½ hour of effort to complete the audit, including reading
and understanding the instructions.
- The legal research information gathered can be combined
at a central location, which will minimize the amount of time
each individual staff member must spend documenting the audit.
Charter Activities
Following is a description of the major activities anticipated
in this Charter.
- Charter startup: This activity includes completing the charter
and reviewing the completed charter with the Trustees by May
1, 1970.
- Gather information on purchases.
- Verify assumptions about ALR publication and delivery.
- Develop the strategy and instructions for each staff member
for development a plan of action.
- Notify the staff to do an audit of resources collected.
- Determine who has not completed the inventory and follow-up.
- Prepare the final report
- Resolve any discrepancies, we need to deal with strategies
for distribution of legal informatioin and researech and records.
- Write reconciliation recommendation.
- Submit to Internal Audit.
- Determine process to keep the accounting books and records
of ALR up-to-date.
The risk of not going forward with the Charter is:
- Trustees may not be able to proceed with the ALR
start-up procedures.
- Prior to this Charter completion Trustees have neither a
free Law Review, legal research nor education forum in place.
- To show that the Trustees are putting forth a good faith
effort to establish systematic
legal research and publication in compliance with copyright
laws and practices.
The Dean, of The American Law Review will
hold full college and university academic professorship standing
and will provide quarterly assurance that this Charter meets professional
legal research and publication standards and protocols at all
The ALR is to set forth
a scholarly law journal for practicing attorneys, paralegal and
law students who wish to systematically read law, legal history,
theory and, review court decisions and to follow the views of
the scholalry and legal community, and to sharpen the practice
of critical analysis in legal argument and pleading construction,
appellate briefs, bar examinations, scholarly publications, jury
presentation techniques and general trade discourse.
The books and papers reviewed are to generally cover all the topics
found on 1L, 2L, 3L course examinations.
Enacted this day of March 1, 1970, Blackstone
School of Law Trustees. at Chicago Illinois