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Knowledge Utility
in the 21st Century
By Phillip J. Bond
Under Secretary of Commerce for Technology
WASHINGTON D.C. -- President
Bush made education reform his number-one priority, with a deep
understanding of the social and economic benefits such reform
could bring to the Nation and to...More!
State-of-the-art Courtroom
At State University College of Law
By Eileen Brill Wagner
CLOVIS -- In a press release today,
Wagner Catherine O'Grady, director of clinical programs at the Arizona
State University College of Law, is determined that the students
she trains will be up on the latest technology trends in the...

Pacific University Closed
California AG Gets Fraud Injunction!
Students refunds in doubt
By Clint Hardy, Capitol Correspondent
a lengthy court battle, the Department of Consumer Affairs received
authority to permanently shut down a school that has been operating
illegally since June 1997.
Marin County Superior Court Judge Lynee Duryee entered a final
judgement against Columbia Pacific University... More!
You Get Friends & Relatives
To Invest in your e-Firm
And You Lose It All
What Never
To Say!
Howard E. Hobbs, J.D., Ph.D.
LOS ANGELES - When Alec Hudnut
and his partner, Tom Geniesse, decided to start an Internet
business they had marvelous dreams and a little financial backing
and some well-heeled friends and relatives.
Mr. Hudnet says he borrowed $500,000
from family and friends and set off to make the world wide web
his own personal oyster.
His idea was to sell business schools on
Internet training to schools. But, just as he was setting-up
his bank account the economy went bust and the flow of venture
capital from friends and relatives evaporated ...More!
The Economic Way Of Thinking:
More Houses Less Forest Dynamic
By Howard E. Hobbs, J.D., Ph.D.
Every action has a cost. That is, every action
involves some opportunity cost, whether or not this cost is explicitly
stated or even understood by those incurring it. Since our world
is one of limited resources, it is also a world of tradeoffs...More!
The Mohave Boatowners V. NPS
ALR Staff Researchers
The National Park Serviceand Seven Resorts, Inc.
appeal from the district court's grant of summary judgment in
favor of the Lake Mohave Boat Owners Association ). The district
court held that NPS violated the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
5 U.S.C. S 552, because NPS did not publish in the Federal Register
its rate-setting guidelines for marinas that operate in national
parks. The district court also found ...More!
for recent 3L lecture course materials on Administrative Law,
Resources, Legislation & Property Law?...Click!

September 21, 2001
Release Number: 64 Task Force Issues
Report On Appellate Mediation
San Francisco—Mediated
cases in the Courts of Appeal are less costly, significantly reduce
resolution time, and lead to a high degree of user satisfaction,
according to a new report by the Task Force on Appellate Mediation.
The chair of the task force is Associate
Justice Ignazio J. Ruvolo of the Court of Appeal, First Appellate
District. Appointed by the Chief Justice in 1997, the task force
recommended an experimental mediation program for civil appeals
in the First Appellate District.
Pursuant to the recommendations of the
task force, the Judicial Council sponsored a two-year pilot program
for mandatory mediation in the First District. The goals of the
program were to address the interests of both litigants and the
court by reducing costs, time to resolution, and the adversary
culture of litigation, while increasing litigant satisfaction
with the judicial process and dispositions without judicial intervention.
The program was funded by the Legislature
for the pilot period from July 1, 1999, through June 30, 200l.
In its report on the two-year pilot program, the task force found
that: Over 43 percent of the mediations resulted in full settlements.
Counsel participating in the mediation
program estimated net savings in excess of $6.2 million for their
clients. The median time from the filing of the Notice of Appeal
to resolution was 3.9 months for mediated appeals compared to
14 months for all appeals. Settlements were achieved through cooperative
efforts of the parties with the assistance of court-appointed
Over 80 percent of the parties and their
counsel would use the mediation process and the mediator again.
Trial courts also benefited, as a result of fewer reversals and
global settlements, in which pending trial court proceedings were
resolved along with the appeal.
These results were attributable to the
skills of 146 mediators who were recruited and trained by the
court. They serve on a largely pro bono basis. Due to the success
of the pilot program, the task force has made five recommendations:
1) The mediation program should be extended indefinitely in the
First Appellate District. 2) Participation in the mediation program
should continue to be mandatory. 3) Court-sponsored training should
remain an integral part of any appellate mediation program. 4)
The program should retain its pro bono feature. However, the number
of pro bono hours demanded from mediators should be limited.
After the limit has been reached, mediators
should receive reasonable compensation from the parties. 5) Other
appellate districts should have the option of developing or expanding
their own alternative dispute resolution programs, with the financial
assistance of the Administrative Office of the Courts, if necessary.
Copies of the body of the report, Mandatory Mediation in the First
Appellate District of the Court of Appeal: Report and Recommendations,
can be found on the California Courts Web site at www.courtinfo.ca.gov/reference/documents/mediation.pdf.
For more information, contact John Toker, the court’s mediation
program administrator, at 415-865-7373.
